When purchasing large quantities of data, it is extremely tempting to simply employ the services of the cheapest provider. Unfortunately, it is often the case that the data provided can hardly be referred to as a ‘lead’ – this is because the quality of the data provided can leave a lot to be desired.

Fortunately, we only sell reliable data, and this is backed up by a verification process that includes over 160,000 verification calls per month. This peace of mind about data quality comes at a surprisingly affordable cost per lead, and our IT managers data will help you achieve the results you need – without the headaches that come with multiple wasted calls.

IT managers data for effective B2B sales.

If you have an IT-based product or service to sell, you will already be aware that it is an extremely competitive marketplace. Because of this, it is vital to get your message to the right people, and our IT managers data gives you an affordable method of directly getting in touch with the decision maker – the best use of your time and sales energy. The data sources include names, phone numbers and email addresses, giving you a range of contact options.

When placing a data order, you can also specify extra categories such as the precise industry, the location and a range of other filters. This ability to customise your order provides even more value for money, as data can be tailored to meet the exact needs of your product and business. Many bulk data suppliers are guilty of providing huge blocks of information that are simply irrelevant – an order from ukbusiness.co.uk can be tailored to maximise the return on your marketing budget.

Multiple contact data types.

As we have already mentioned, our products are about much more than giving you a simple name and telephone number. With the extra element of an email address, your sales tactics can suddenly become more flexible and dynamic. In many time-critical business environments, there can sometimes never be a good time for a sales call! However, an email address changes the situation entirely, and a carefully-crafted marketing message could pay dividends. An email can be sent to ‘warm up’ your potential sales lead (with delivery reports monitored if applicable). If this is combined with a sophisticated mailing list service, you can even specify the individuals that have read your message – this provides a great opportunity for a follow-up call.

The complete service

To find out more about how we can get you in touch with the right people for your product or service, get in touch with one of our expert data consultants by using the ‘Get Quote’ facility.