Here at UK Business Data, we have built a reputation for excellent data quality and customer service in the B2B contact data market, and we are now also offering this level of expertise for B2C telemarketing data packages.

Building B2C telemarketing data profiles for individual customers offers its own unique set of challenges when compared to B2B data gathering, and our expert data consultants can offer you a package of information that is tailored to your exact needs. A huge amount of analysis and verification is applied to all data, and the end result is that you have a set of tools that provide you with the best possible chance of getting the right result.

Other less-thorough businesses may just pride themselves on the quantity of contact information that they can offer at ‘rock bottom prices,’ but we are more interested in giving you top-quality information that will minimise wasted phone calls and frustration for you or your telemarketing staff – all at a cost-effective amount per lead.

Comprehensive potential customer profiling.

Aside from the verification checks that we carry out every month to ensure that your B2C telemarketing data is as accurate and valid as possible, our systems can also provide you with key insights into every single customer contact.

We use a set of extremely sophisticated tools to obtain these details, and they range from ‘best time to call’ to ‘behaviour characteristics.’ The former is a great indicator for building call lists for different staff shifts as it should cut down any missed phone calls, while the latter profile information can be matched with your product or service. The data is also provided in multiple formats, meaning that SMS messages can be sent to customers in situations where it may help for them to be ‘warmed up’ before making a phone call. Our B2C telemarketing data consultants are on hand to provide further details just call us on 01254 311108

B2C telemarketing data packages that offer both ‘quantity’ and ‘quality.’

With more than 40 million sets of individual customer details at our disposal, it would be easy to just sit back and distribute these to interested clients. However, we pride ourselves on being able to offer data that is constantly updated, verified and checked against Telephone Preference Service lists (companies run the risk of significant fines if they ignore this database of prohibited phone numbers).

We obtain this information from a variety of sources, and highly intelligent computer systems match and compile this data – this gives our own clients the confidence that their business needs can be matched to the right potential customers in our own records.

With such a diverse range of profiling options and contact data types, every single B2C telemarketing data package is unique and tailored to each client order.

To find out more about how we can put you in touch with the most suitable group of individual customers, please contact our expert data consultants for a quote through our website. Alternatively, we can be reached by telephone at 01254 311108, and we would be delighted to discuss your requirements.